目前,国际生物医学界倡导尽量使用主动语态,如《美国医学会编辑手册》(The Ameri-can Medical Association Manual of Style)中指出:“In general the active voice is preferred, except in instances in which the actor is unknown or the interest concerns what is acted on.(一般主动语态是首选,除了演员的实例是未知的或感兴趣的问题是什么行动)”。
正如美国著名学者Kirkman所述:" In most scientific writing, we should write in a natural, comfortable mixture of personal and impersonal constructions, using active verbs as our main mode of expression, and interweaving passive verbs skillfully to change the balance and emphasis ofwhat we want to say .The active and passive voices are used for specific purposes, to create deliberate balance or emphasis in a statement.They should not be interchanged arbitrarily.(在大多数科学写作,我们应该写在一个自然、舒适的个人区域和公共建筑的混合物,用主动动词作为主要的表达方式,和交织被动动词巧妙地改变平衡,强调按照我们想说的。主动和被动的声音用于特定目的,创建刻意平衡或在一份声明中强调。他们不应该任意互换。)”